Friday, August 14, 2009

I = Rock Star

Why? Because I auditioned for, was booked for, and completed a gig all in one day.

hell yeah!

it was a commercial, for the curious, for a Car Dealership, a TV voice over...

okay, done bragging, really I was just very pleased with myself, and thought I'd share...

onto some other things...
Squeaky is finally out of jail. She's sixty. She was charged with pointing a gun at Ford... Poor Gerald Ford, like, who did he ever hurt.
I digress. I don't know how to feel about Squeaky being out. I mean, it doesn't affect me one way or the other. She had been a Manson follower, but then turned states evidence against him in court in connection with the Tate /LaBianca murders, though I don't remember her exact role in said murders. Still, the fact that she was one of Manson's gang freaks me out, but... my goodness, that was decades ago, and we all know how people change. So, I dunno, perhaps it's the liberal in me, but, I think she's done her time and she should probably be very heavily monitored, but yeah, let her out of the Institution...
Meanwhile, Michael Vick has actually been signed to a football team...
Let me repeat this: the guy who was found guilty of not just fighting dogs, he TORTURED them, now has a job again. A really GOOD, well-paying job... Where is the justice? I do not know. I am not the Universe. And though I ultimately put my faith in the Divine, I must say that sometimes the Divine confuses me... Then again, maybe this has nothing at all to do with the Divine, and everything to do with free will... My whole point being, as much as I despise the guy, it is still not my place to judge him... though it's awfully hard not to.

It's raining outside, again. This is like the fifth day in a row here in Houston, which is amazing, because we basically went the whole summer with no rain. Wow. I love this!

Okay, that is all. I'm sorry I'm so tired, but I've been working my ass off and working out a lot, so, I must go get sleep.

I'll blog again soon!



  1. Maybe 'Squeaky' Fromme can catch a performance of "Assassins" now that she's out! :-/

  2. my grammar was fucking horrible in this post, but I'm too apathetic to correct it at this point :-)
