Monday, July 27, 2009

Down With Love!


Day two and I'm already breaking form. Because this entry has fuck-all to do with Pop-Culture and is all about... well, me.

Because, ladies and gentlemen, I was dumped today.
While it was a shock, I had sort of known, or sensed it was coming for a while. Still, the way it came about and was told to me was just really odd and surprising, and it, in some ways, did seem to come out of nowhere.

So, to all the broken hearts out there... tonight, this blog's for you!



  1. I'm sorry to hear that D: I'm going through some broken-heart blues of my own, so I know how you feel.

    Things will get better though. When we're down we can only go up right? So I'll hope there'll be tons of "ups" coming your way now!

    (and sorry for totally hanging out on here all day. being unemployed and fresh from college sucks. I'll try not to be a creeper though haha)

  2. Creep and lurk as much as you want, and encourage all your creeper and lurker pals to do the same! ;-)

  3. haha will do! xD just rememeber you said this when I post on all your stuff and you say "wow he's a creeper"
