Sunday, July 26, 2009

All Over the Map... If I Blog It, Will They Come???

Good morning, blogosfolks.

As I woke up at the ass-crack of dawn, meandered my way to the gym in my little Kia, and began letting the cogs of my brain-machine turn, I knew after five minutes that I would not be able to stick to one subject today, as I would like to, and as I usually will here on Pop-Culture Poop.

But today, there's simply too much bouncing around the old noggin.

First, I wanna say that I'm so stoked the 3D Gophers kicked the Wizard's ass at the Box Office! Not that I'm a Harry Hater, but I do think it's cool to sometimes see Goliath felled by David, especially in Hollywood. I have yet to see G-Force, but am going to make a go of it this weekend. I'm a totaly 3D nerd, for the record.

Moving on, I want to talk about my experience with Bruno whilst in the lovely city of St. Louis. I was there, of course, for a convention appearance ( for those of you who don't know your humble Bloggist is a Voice Actor, and often gets asked to make appearances at Anime Conventions due to his body of work voicing very pretty-boyish characters in said field ), and also in attendance was my friend John, whom I convinced to take me to a Friday night showing of Bruno.
Let me start by saying that John, a lovely hetero friend of mine, is a total trooper for sticking it out, first of all, and big ups, as it were, to any straight dude who can make it through that cringe-inducing film. Biggest props, I suppose, must be given to Sacha Baron Cohen for being a completely fearless heterosexual actor, and engaging in some of the shenanigans he got up to in this, his second Hollywood Blockbuster, riding of course on the coattails of the blazing success of Borat.
I guess my feelings about this film were mixed. I loved Borat from beginning to end, and while it was outrageous, offensive, and awesomely over-the-top, I thought Bruno pushed the taste boundaries a bit too far, and for me, that's saying a LOT! Don't get me wrong, I laughed my ass off, but, wow, a few of the scenes just went way beyond the land of necessary and right into disgusting territory.
I believe when it all comes down to a finer point, or under the microscope of analysis, I prefer Sacha Baron Cohen as a character actor outside the realm of his three most-famous characters, Ali G, Borat, and Bruno. I can more greatly appreciate Baron Cohen in roles such as that of Pirelli in that dreadful Tim Burton disaster remake of Sweeney Todd. In fact, I would say SBC and Alan Rickman (godlike actor!) were the only two decent things about that piece of shit film. But I digress.
So, if you're totally down with ultra-homo-erotic dirty dirty over-the-top humor, and love SBC's style of shock comedy, you MUST check out Bruno. If you're squeamish, stay away!

Okay, please indulge me as I get into weird territory here, and let me bitch for a bit, about the gym. Yes, "Gay Church", the Sweat Factory, the place of iron-pumping, etc... I love the gym. It's great. Possibly the greatest stress relief that exists apart from riding roller coasters, in your humble Bloggist's opinion. But lately I've become aware of a disturbing trend.
It seems that in the new United States of Paranoia, of which, I might add, I'm a proud citizen, things have gotten, again, over-the-top, this time in the realm of our war against germs.
It used to be that after using a circuit machine, or a cardio machine, you would simply do your fellow gymgoer the courtesy of wiping your sweat from the surface of said object... Now, however, at least at my gym, people have taken to spraying some toxic-looking green chemical on coarse paper towels and wiping down the machines with the strange solution.
Call me crazy, but I'd rather a machine just be wiped dry, than have to face sitting in a pool of "germ-killing" fluid whilst working ab-reps... Ironic, especially, since I'm a germaphobe. But even as a germaphobe, I believe cleanliness can go beyond Godliness, and head straight to Obssesiveness.

Okay, I'm done for now, as I must go do post-workout stretching and get ready for a recording session at 9 am

Tune in next BLOG TIME when I talk about how I was assaulted by a fan with boundary issues at a recent con! No, seriously! ( and to the good people who run that con, I will NOT name your event, and I do NOT hold you all responsible, at all! )

'Til next time!

Your Humble Bloggist,

1 comment:

  1. LOL! that post was awesome! I love the bit about Bruno. I've been debating seeing it myself. Maybe I should go just to experience it!

    and I hope you enjoy G-Froce!!! Nobody will see it with me, so I'm afraid I won't be seeing it. (this makes me sad, since I've only seen 1 movie in 3D.. but it WAS Epic. Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D? so cool)

    and oh god, fan with boundary issues! I hope you're not too scarred! *oddly, looks forward to hearing this story.. sorry, curiousity is my downfall*

    -I look forward to more posts here!-
